Fetal Growth / Well-being Scan 22 – 42 weeks
This scan is performed to assess the growth and wellbeing of the baby.
What’s involved in a Fetal Growth Scan?
The scan is performed by placing an ultrasound transducer on your abdomen and takes around 20 minutes. Your bladder does not need to be full but it is advisable to drink normally & not empty your bladder 30 minutes prior to the scan.
What do we look for at the Fetal Growth Scan?
During this scan we take look at a number of areas:
- Measuring the baby’s head, abdomen and thigh bone
- Assessing the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby
- Observing the baby’s activity
- Measuring the blood flow in the umbilical cord using Doppler ultrasound
- Recording the position of the placenta
Results of the Fetal Growth Scan
A formal report of the scan will be sent to your referring Obstetrician or Shared care GP. If we are concerned regarding the findings of this scan we will contact your doctor on the day of the scan.